Why Tooth-colored Fillings are Better than Amalgam

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 9:21 pm
dentist talking to patient about benefits of tooth-colored fillings

You’ve probably come across those metal fillings used for cavities, perhaps catching a glimpse when someone opened their mouth or even having a few yourself. Metal amalgam fillings were the go-to treatment for cavities for a considerable period. Nevertheless, tooth-colored composite fillings have significantly replaced them. True to their name, these fillings harmonize far more seamlessly with your natural teeth than the traditional amalgam counterparts. If you’re pondering the distinction between the two, here are several reasons to opt for composite fillings when addressing areas of decay.


What Should You Expect After Getting a Dental Crown?

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 8:39 am
: A close-up of a smiling man sitting in a dentist’s chair

So, you’ve got a new dental crown from your dentist. Odds are you’re happy to be through with the treatment. That said, don’t forget you’ll need time to recover. Your mouth still has to adjust to the prosthetic. Luckily, getting used to the dental cap isn’t hard. In fact, your local Dallas dentist can even help with the process. To that end, here’s what to expect while recovering from crown treatment and some useful crown care tips.


How to Protect Your Lips from Sunburns

May 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 12:07 am
closeup of someone who’s been sunburned

Summer is here, which means it’s time to spend plenty of time in the sunshine. Naturally, you’ll want to bring along sunscreen, but have you thought about whether your lips are protected from the sun as well?

Your lips are some of the thinnest skin on your body, meaning that they’re just as—if not more—likely to burn when exposed to the sun as other parts of you. If you want to know why protecting them is so important, and how you can do that, here’s some information you may find useful.


The Process of an Oral Cancer Screening

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 9:03 pm
ipad on a table with the word oral cancer on it

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which is a time when health professionals of all kinds do what they can to help their patients understand the prevalence and significance of this condition.

Early detection is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your chances if you contract this condition. That’s why every checkup with your dentist will include an oral cancer screening.

If you’re curious, here’s what that type of screening is likely to look like.


Health Issues Caused By Poor Dental Health

March 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 1:33 am

Woman in dentist’s chair looking in mirrorDid you know the mouth is often referred to as the gateway to the body? Although your oral and general health may seem separate, they are actually closely entwined. Many dental issues can increase your risk of various health problems. Here are just a few of the complications that can result from unhealthy teeth and gums.


Why Has Cosmetic Dentistry Become More Popular?

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 3:02 pm
patient receiving cosmetic dentistry

Many people have things they wish they could fix about their smiles. Whether it’s discolored pearly whites, chips, gaps, or other aesthetic issues, there are a variety of ways that you can fix these things with cosmetic treatments. Cosmetic dentistry is an incredibly common way to correct issues with your smile and has only become more popular with time. Keep reading to learn four reasons why!


How Is It Beneficial to Schedule a Dental Checkup Early in the Year?

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 3:45 am
Patient at dental checkup

With the arrival of a new year, it’s an exciting time to consider what lies ahead. Try not to get so caught up in New Year’s resolutions that you forget to schedule a dental checkup. Your dentist in Dallas has some points to share about why getting a cleaning and exam taken care of sooner rather than later is worth the effort.


Tooth in Trouble! What to Do When Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

December 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 7:35 am
child covering his mouth in shock over knocked out tooth

Part of being a parent is being an “on the spot” problem-solver. You are constantly figuring out a range of issues regarding your child. One of the most challenging is when they get hurt physically. Scraped elbows with band-aids are one thing…but a knocked-out tooth is another level of stress. Your dentist is here to guide you on the immediate steps to take so your child can return to smiling as soon as possible!


Dental X-Rays: Why Are They Necessary?

November 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 9:46 pm
a patient visiting her dentist in Dallas

If you’ve ever suffered a broken bone or sustained some sort of internal injury, you’ve probably gone to have X-rays taken at one or multiple points throughout receiving treatment. This is a standard but important part of the process; the X-rays give your provider access to details that aren’t normally observable to the naked eye. However, X-rays also have several useful applications in the world of dentistry! Keep reading to learn a little more about how your dentist in Dallas is able to use X-rays to provide an exceptional level of care for your smile.


Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

October 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Henry Lu @ 10:17 pm
Model of root canal

When your dentist tells you that you need root canal therapy, you may feel overwhelmed with dread. You’ve heard that root canals are painful. Is this your only option to save your tooth? The truth is that you shouldn’t be worried about your procedure. With modern dental technology and anesthetics, you don’t need to be afraid. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about what you can expect for your root canal therapy.

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